All in One Brunch

Nothing screams 'lazy brunch' quite like a skillet bake. It seems like no matter what you throw in there it's always going to taste good! Honestly it's like a form of sorcery! This makes it perfect for using up those leftovers or random items in the fridge that need to be used up - especially before your next food shop! Which is exactly how this skillet bake came about.

I'm not quite sure what makes cooking in a skillet far more superior to just a normal pan or oven dish but trust me on this; it's a very worthwhile investment. In my opinion the best way to build a skillet bake it to choose some form of root vegetable; butternut squash, potato, parsnip etc. Bake it first then add the vegetables that need less cooking times; mushrooms, courgettes, onions. Crack in eggs and top with your favourite cheese; both easily melted cheeses i.e. mozzarella or cheddar and less meltier cheeses like goats cheese and feta work. Season depending on the ingredients you choose! Keep reading to see what I used!

Skillet Brunch Bake for 2

100g Butternut squash, cubed
2 Courgettes, spiralised
50g Feta
2 eggs
2 tablespoons pesto
1 handful pine nuts, toasted

Bake butternut squash with some oil, salt and pepper in skillet or oven dish for 30 mins until soft and roasted. Add courgette and feta and mix around so all ingredients are evenly distributed. Make two wells in the courgette and crack the eggs into it. Bake for another 5 minutes until the white are set but the yolks are still runny. Top with pine nuts and dollops of pesto.

Much Love


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